The world's first virtual avatar speaker bureau.

Vox Futura offers world-class avatar presentations for your next event, training, meeting or workshop.
No blue characters here.

See the talent
Why choose a virtual speaker?

Saves you time, money, stress.  

There's no travel so they're available any place, any time. The cost-effective solution also means there are zero cancellations through illness or anything else. Content is bespoke and tailored to your needs. No running over, all presentations are pre-recorded so you know exactly where you are. It's like they're there, but they're not.

Mindblowing talent

Top talent and fresh voices.

Top business luminaries from retail, marketing, technology and leadership experts along with creatives to Pulitzer prize-winning journalists. Vox Futura has a raft of established talent and a slew of fresh voices breaking through. Vox Futura prides itself on a diverse and inclusive collection of known and emerging talent with more being onboarded each month. Fast and efficient booking with outstanding cost-effectiveness.

Are they any good?

Powered by

Vox Futura has partnered with HeyGen, leaders in the AI-generated avatar and voice space. Every VF talk produced is studio quality and available in a range of final products to suit your needs.

Welcome to the future of


Vox Futura does not replace traditional speaker bureaus. We are here to give speakers, event organisers, trainers, and educators more options (and control) than ever before.

Top talent.

World-renowned futurists, bestselling authors, strategists, business leaders, founders, and subject experts.  
All selected for their expertise,
experience, and ability.  

Find your perfect speaker(s)
Learn about us

The fine print.


Talks come in 10, 20 and 30 minute versions. Speakers can also provide pre-promotion videos and post-event content and wrap ups. Every talk is unique and can be customised to suit your needs.



Identity is important to everyone, as is copyright or ownership. Speakers own their own IP, likeness, and voice. We watermark all content to know its provenance, and ensure all parties understand what is required and expected, using smart contracts so nothing goes wrong.

Part of the TBD Group
Part of the TBD Group



Want the talk localised? In a different language? No problem. Vox Futura offers +40 languages including English (UK + US), German, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Polish, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and Hindi.


How does it work?

We get the brief, agree it with the client, invoice you (30 days or less, thanks) and create the product. Thanks to HeyGen technology, the process is fast, and easy to customise to get the best result for you. Turnaround can take as little as 24-hours depending on speaker's availability.

What does it cost?

Every speaker is different, but thanks to no travel costs and other savings, the vast majority of speakers are well below £10k. The speaker gets 80% of the fee, the rest gets ploughed back into Vox Futura.

How many speakers do you have?

Currently +20, soon to be +100. We're continually onboarding speakers and identifying new talent. Find the whole roster here. Know one we should have on the books or are one? Get in touch, we'd love to talk.

Do I own the content?

You can for an extra fee. There are different degrees of rights you can buy because of the many options available. If you just want to show the content once, that's included in the fee, but we don't allow content to be uploaded to sites like YouTube etc without permission. We help you make sure you get the most out of the content created and make sure speaker work gets protected.

Can I still get Q&A time with the speaker?

Yes! We do this in a couple of ways. Either by taking questions before hand and working them into the presentation or agreeing for the speaker to Zoom in at the right time although, as you can imagine, this is more costly.